Soulmates and Relationships

Soulmates and Relationships

22 Wellands Terrace, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD3 8AQ [ Map ]

Tel: 07539 637328 | Email: Click here | Web:


'Welcome to the only site that deals in full confidentiality and caters to all your relationship needs, no need for anymore arguments, cheating or depression that you get in a lot of relationships'.

This is a unique business that helps people not only have a perfect relationship but sustain the relationship. I am here to take your strains and stresses of your day to day life caused by your partner through arguments, resentment, unappreciative attitudes, taking you for granted each and everyday. Let me help you as individuals and couples and enjoy a life full of love, acceptance, passion, intimacy, trust, honesty and above all else the key to any relationship communication.

For my 1 to 1 counselling sessions i do not charge by session so you can have as many as there needs to be and all you have to do is pay a members fee, for 1 years membership which is 25 pound per person.

I also do romantic ideas for those that don't know what to plan or do for that someone special or what to do something to show how much they love there partner but never have any money to do great romantic gestures, but i can give them people ideas and to plan a romantic night in without costing anything or under 5 pounds and for this service you do not need to be a member, however this service requires a donation and there is not a minimum amount you have to donate as the donation is up to you. Look at my website for more information.

I am the cheapest qualified relationship counsellor you will not find anyone better!

Hours of Business

24/7 7 days of the week

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